Taking your children to the dentist for a family check-up can be difficult sometimes, especially if your kids are nervous. This article explains three practical things you can do to make your dentist visit go smoothly.

Choose a Great Family Dentist

The first step towards making your family dentist trip a success is choosing the right dentist. You should choose a family dentist. Family dentists are experts in how teeth develop and in working with children's teeth. They also tend to be good at explaining oral hygiene and how teeth work to children of different ages, which is great if your kids ask lots of questions. However, a family dental practice should also be great with adult teeth and be able to help you with any more adult treatments you want, such as whitening. Finally, dental practices aimed at families often have a more reassuring vibe, with children's toys or magazines in the waiting area to keep them occupied.  

Think Carefully When Booking an Appointment

You can also make the appointment go smoothly by thinking carefully when booking it. For example, if your kids are tired and hungry straight after school, that might not be a good time for an appointment. If they are really nervous, an early morning appointment might be best, as it doesn't give them the day to worry about it. Think carefully about your children and what would suit them, and book the appointment in plenty of time to ensure the time you want. Finally, you should avoid lying to your children about where you are going on the day of the appointment, or only telling them at the last minute, as this just reinforces the idea that the dentist is something to dread and avoid, rather than a normal part of life.

Model Excellent Behaviour

Finally, you can make your family visit to the dentist go smoothly by modelling great behaviour. Don't panic or complain about the appointment, as your children will pick up on it. You may also want to ask your dentist questions, to show that you are taking your oral health seriously - Colgate has some good suggestions for questions. This also shows your children they can ask questions too, and take control of their own health. You should also model good behaviour if your dentist has suggestions for how to improve your teeth, or if you need dental work. Show your children that taking care of their oral health is normal, and the dentist is there to work with them, not against them.

By choosing the right dentist, thinking carefully when you book your appointment, and modelling good behaviour for your children, you can ensure your dental check-up goes smoothly and is a positive experience.

For more information, contact a family dentist near you.
