Prior to any dental procedure, patients are administered drugs called sedatives to help them relax and calm down during dental treatments. Sedatives suppress the nervous system, making the patient not feel any pain during a dental procedure. With conscious sedation, the patient can undergo any dental procedure without anxiety. The following are the three types of conscious sedation that you should understand.
Oral sedation
The doctor prescribes a pill that a dental patient takes a few hours before the dental appointment. Since oral sedatives only cause the patient to relax, local anesthetics are used alongside oral sedatives to relieve the patient of any pain. Even if the level of sedation is difficult to regulate, oral sedation is advised for most people, as it works well for almost everyone. It is important to note that if you undergo this kind of sedation, someone must accompany you to and from the dental clinic, as it takes time to wear off.
Inhalation sedation
Inhalation sedation refers to the inhalation of nitrous oxide, or what is commonly known as "laughing gas", which helps a one to relax before a dental procedure. The amount of the gas you breathe in can be controlled and its effect goes away quickly, allowing patients to visit dentists for treatment without being accompanied by anyone. Whatever the treatment length, you can rely on inhalation sedation because it has a rapid onset and its inhalation can be controlled. However, it is not recommended for people with respiratory complications such as asthma and emphysema, as well as women during their first three months of pregnancy.
IV Sedation
Under this type of sedation, a drug is injected through a vein, making it work more quickly than the other two methods. Due to the rapid effect, majority of the people to prefer it to the other two types of conscious sedation. The method also makes it possible for the dentist to adjust the level of sedation from time to time. As such, it helps relax a patient and as well reduces their pain during a dental procedure. Someone must accompany you to and from the dental clinic, as it takes time for the effects of IV sedation to wear off.
Always consider the most appropriate conscious sedation method that fits you prior to any dental procedure depending on your needs and circumstances, such as availability of someone to drive you to and from the dentist.