Dentures are usually comfortable enough that those who wear them simply get accustomed to them and rarely think about them throughout their day. Dentures shouldn't slip except perhaps just slightly when eating or when using a poor-quality adhesive. However, there are problems with your dentures slipping that should warrant a trip to the dentist to see if the dentures need adjusting or if you need a new set altogether. Note when you should make an appointment with your dentist to have your dentures checked because of slippage.

1. When they don't sit on your jaw line

Dentures are meant to fit comfortably in your jaw; this is why they're made for you specifically when you visit a dentist. As you age, your jaw line often changes as the bones shrink or your face otherwise changes shape. In turn, your dentures may not fit as well as they did when you first had them fitted and this causes slippage. You may notice that they don't sit precisely on your back gums or don't seem to follow the curve of your jaw line any longer. Wherever the trouble spot, have your dentist check to see if you need them refitted or an entirely new set of dentures.

2. When they slip frequently 

Your dentist should check when your dentures slip frequently. When eating, your dentures may slip just slightly and especially if you are chewing hard foods, but they shouldn't slip every time you take a bite. A poor-quality adhesive can allow dentures to slip, but if you know the adhesive is not the problem or have been using the same adhesive for years, this problem could be because the dentures simply don't fit your mouth as they should. Don't assume you should just put up with the problem and if your dentures slip so much that you're self-conscious, are slipping more than they ever have, or seem to slip all the time, you may need a refitting.

3. When you have soreness in your gums

Slipping dentures can mean that they rub up against your gums; the lower teeth may rub up against your upper jaw, and vice versa. They may also then rub the inside of your cheek. If you notice soreness in your gums or inside your mouth along with slipping dentures, it's time to see a dentist. These sores may simply get worse over time or increase your risk of oral infection, or interfere with your ability to eat comfortably. 

For more information or consultation, visit a denture clinic, such as Hopkins Street Dental, or your dentist today. 
